Super Anticipation and Exploration
The banter boys return from a busy hiatus and are ranticipating the Super Bowl, and rffing on golf etiquette, Joe's Crabs, travel tales, and more. Add in the always demanded fact check, beer ratings, and big ,aughs and you've got a great listen. Salut!
Food For Thought and Fraught
The couple’s view of life has highs and lows from dog food drama to fine films, interesting music, streaming shows, good friends, and cool places. Share some quality time with us!
Three-Peat Prognostication
Stan’s now famous football board game provides some of the insights into a selection in the Chiefs-Eagles rematch, but not all. Nuanced and in-depth look at the various aspects of the Chiefs trying to make history!
Anticipation and Education
Drawing closer to the Big One day by day as the banter boys talk Chiefs and Eagles in depth, but there is time for some college hoops as well. Plus trivia fun and the always enjoyable detours. Come on along!
Career Days
Born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and the son of educators, he took to football late but thrived in high school, at the University of Richmond, and then on to a ten-year NFL career. Four of those seasons here in Kansas City where after football his business acumen, philanthropic enthusiasm, and faith enrich the communitiy. An uplifting and enjoyable chat!
Awarding and Rewarding
Always lively and informative, this time the guys are discussing longtime acts getting Grammy nods, Super Bowl haftimes, notable passings, and more. Kendrick Lamar, Big Boi, David Lynch, Dylan, Beyonce, Paul Simon, Eminen, The Beatles, Metallica, and many others in the enjoyable mix. Join in!
Historic Anticipation
Another Bills-Chiefs classic, and another classic Kansas City win. Reid, Mahomes, and company take their fans on the usual emotional roller coaster ride to the seemingly inevitable result. Next up, another rematch in the big one with Philly. Complex and enjoyable analysis to soak up!
Title Tilts and Windmills
Deep divin' and prediction time on the NFL Conference title games with special focus of course on yet another Chiefs-Bills showdown. A bit of Commanders-Eagles, AFC West coaching chatter, trivia, and some goofy fun detours. Come on along!
Trailblaizer and Chiefs Reveries
An AFC title game weekend combo of some personal Chiefs connections to a youthful Danny in a coulplf of fun tales, along with captivating Chiefs history with our Profile of Pro Football Hall of Famer Jan Stenarud. We've revisited a couple times at playoff time, and it's enjoyable to discover, or listen to again!
Obsessions and Possessions
The couple’s view of life is trying to cut through the bone-chilling cold with warm thoughts and sharp observations. Excitement over flooring, scheduling gaffes, new books, viewing old favorites and making new ones, musical rabbit holes, and more in the always enjoyable ride. Come join us!