Refining the Art of Music Listening
Music’s Power and Warmth Inside and Out, Old and New
The literate and wildly enjoyable musical discussion as usual brings recommendations, opinions and enjoyment. Great documentaries and more with James Brown, The Mavericks, Carol King, young artists, and the uplifting spirit of sound.
Smiles All Over the Map
The always refreshing, eclectic, and enjoyable discussion is in the mode of lifting spirits with a look at documentaries and other ways to consume and enjoy music. In the mix this time around Lady Gaga, Tony Bennett, The Birds, The Animals, Jimi Hendrix, numerous jazz greats, and a whole lot more.
From a Jazz Legend to The Boss to Power Pop and Beyond
Danny and longtime Kansas City music writer and critic Timothy Finn dive into their usual varied mix of topics. The
local concert scene and a whole lot more!