Shared Excellence Might Not Be In the Cards This Decade
The area’s professional sports franchises kind of picked each other up during the 2010’s. The Chiefs seem the most likely poised to do the heavy lifting as they enter the new decade tonight.
Royals Join the 2020 Heartache Parade
A year that has produced so much negativity got no relief from, or for, the Kansas City Royals. Bad breaks, bad play, and bad news are the narrative, and hope for the future is muted. It is painfully fitting for this horrendous time.
Make a List, Check It Twice, Create Some Smiles
Danny ticks off many small pleasures that can brighten up the days that have become sometimes challenging, sometimes mundane, and encourages reminding yourself that you no doubt have a long list too.
Vicarious Joy and Passion
Exploring the author's deep passion for music, film, and art, despite a complete and utter lack of aptitude in any of those areas. These times call out for relishing important small pleasures.
Films In the Theater Can’t Be Duplicated
Great movies are just that no matter the venue, but they are made to be watched in the darkness of a theater, for a variety of blissful reasons. Many more important things are the fallout of the pandemic, but I can’t wait to get past this one and return.
An Offbeat Top Ten For No Reason but Badly Needed Fun
Some little tales and links to provide some fodder for discussion, amusement, and perhaps a little musical exploration.
A Welcome Annoyance
Little white furry intruders to my grill bring far more smiles than groans these days, days in dire need of extra smiles right now. The visits spur silly memories that reach all the way back to childhood, and make the imagination race.
Yearning for the Kinetic Connection
Be it concerts, comedy, or live theater, documentaries and
downloads are a pale replacement for heading to an arena,
club, or Broadway. When can we return?
Complicated, Regretful, Glorious and Prideful Rolled Into One
Happy Father's Day to you all! Here is a holiday blog that let's me explore my thoughts on my father, and fatherhood. In my case it's a challenging, conflicted, and in the end rewarding introspection. Maybe some
of it will resonate with you.
Circumstances Conspire to Create A Visit Back in Time
Road trips large and small through scenic vistas and small American towns
are a simple delight for the author, who got a little taste of what he has
immersed himself in the past.
Righteous Words Emanate, But On This Occasion Will They Resonate
Our current situation has played out many times before, and often
drifted away as fast as tear gas smoke. But maybe this time we will be more
inclined to hear the message and move forward, than get bogged down in the
baggage. We are off to a hopeful start, but…
An Atmosphere of Antagonistic Rivalry is Real Life Poison
Trash talk, sloganeering, and a “my team is always the best” mantra is OK in the
world of sports, but making real life a mirror image of that is counterproductive
at the least, and as we can see right now, dangerous.
The Vagaries of the Ace
The hole-in-one is a treasured golf achievement, unique enough
to be celebrated, but attainable by all levels of player. A look at the
feat itself, and a few personal tales as well.
No Baseball Yet, But Baseball Stories Endure
A different top ten list looks at some fascinating ballplayer tales, from true greats
of the game, unusual circumstances, lost dreams, and moments in time.
A Little Ditty Celebrating The Word at the Center of Sports, and More
The NFL draft and football’s embrace of it's love of the entire word football is a jumping off point for a little fun with….well, words.
Perhaps not Underrated, But Certainly Not Beloved
Ranking him the greatest is a narrative that has passed, rightly or wrongly, but no one is more accomplished in the game of basketball than the iconoclastic big man. On his birthday, a deserved tribute.
The Microphone and Me Still Constants After Many Years
Starting up again when my dream was in serious peril, a thumbnail sketch of the joys and frustrations on the way to today, when I still have the pleasure of connecting with you in different ways.
Almost from the Start, the Microphone Has Defined and Directed Me
It’s hard to even remember when I wasn’t doing some form of broadcasting. Some tales and details on the passions for news, sports, games, and the language from boyhood to today.
Five Years Past Radiation and Recovery, Sharing a Battle With Us All
I don’t have coronavirus, and hopefully I will be able to continue to say that, but it was exactly five years ago at this time that I was starting a months long journey to normalcy. A time span that seems likely for all of us as we need to band together to move past this treacherous time.
From Gordon Lightfoot to America to Jackson Browne to The Eagles, they were all dancing the dangerous dance when you are riding the soft rock wave. There is always an element of cheese, but it’s up to you to define the quality of it. One off note, one sour turn of phrase, and you are on the bullet train to Velveeta.
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